by EmilySalonSavoy
We get a lot of people asking about the difference between protein and moisture in their hair care so I thought I would explain how I like to think about this.
Protein for hair is just like the protein for our muscles. It will help to repair the hair from damage due to major lightening and lifting colors. (Blondes, looking at you!) It helps to build strength and build back the blocks in the hair that we remove from the natural hair shaft when we lighten the hair.
Think of it like when you go hard at the gym and you’re trying to build muscle, you’d have a protein shake right?
So when your hair is being lightened more than 3 shades from your natural, you probably need a little protein in your hair diet.
Everything takes moisture out of the hair and skin, everyday. From blow drying and heated tools to air conditioning, heat and sun exposure. Healthy hair still needs moisture.
When your skin is dry, you’d put a moisturizer on and it feels better. We need to do the same with our hair, when it feels dry, it’s not necessarily damaged.
In a nut shell:
Generally speaking all hair types need moisture. The drier the hair, the more it will need.
- Moisture based products focus on hydrating the hair and the general health of the hair.
If your hair has been lightened, make sure at least one of your regular hair care products focuses on repair.
- Protein based products focus on repairing and rebuilding the hair strength.
Dry and Damaged hair is not the same thing. But they make our hair feel the same way!
Don't forget to keep your moisture based products in your routine, you still need the moisuture!
- I would always recommend speaking to hair stylist who can work with your hair history and can personalize your hair care routine to suit your specific needs.
If you want to book a hair care consultation with us to talk further, you can book here.