Hair Extensions | Vixen & Luxe | Loxy's | Salon Savoy | Tawa Hair Extension Salon

by Emily Salon Savoy

I found my first grey hair when I was 16, by the time I was in my early 20’s I had to to use permanent hair colour to get the the coverage I needed. As a result of this, my hair changed a lot. I no longer had fine textured dead straight hair. I had lightened, damaged, wire curly and courser hair from the different textures that had started to grow through my hair. 

I’ve always struggled to grow my hair longer: 

  1. because of the chemical damage 🙈 and 
  2. Because of the changes to my hair texture which resulted in an obsession with the straightening iron (heat damage). 

I’ve toyed with hair extensions over the years- mainly micro rings and an tape ins. most of which have been uncomfortable to wear or have damaged my natural hair. 

So when I decided to add hair extensions to our service menu, I knew I wanted a range that was ethically scoured, super comfortable to wear and an application method that didn’t do any damage. 

Additionally, I wanted the ability to custom colour and cut the extensions to create a seamless match between the natural and extension hair so that can be they could be styled and worn in a range of different ways. 

I want my extensions to feel apart of my hair identity and I want my extensions to look as natural looking as I could get them. 

So far I think the results speak for themselves 🥰 

Photo Guide:

  1. Pre extension hair
  2. Straightened
  3. Waved
  4. Curled
  5. Natural Air Dry

If you are keen to have a chat about getting hair extension, our door is open. You can book a consultation appointment online or give us a call 042325602. 

So much love

Emily x


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